Café Toscano

Condesa, Hipódromo, Polanco, Roma Norte


Detalles de restaurante
Café Toscano

Barrio: Condesa, Hipódromo, Polanco, Roma Norte
Dirección: Temistocles 26
Telefono: +52 55 6732-5374
Tipo de restaurante: Cafetería, Restaurante casual
Cocina: Italiana
Tipo de servicio: Servicio a la mesa
Precio: -$$$-
Elementos del menú: Café, Ensaladas, Espreso, Hamburguesas, Panes y Pasteles, Pasta, Pizza, Postres, Sandwiches
Horario: Lun-Mie: 8 am to Midnight Jue-Sab: 8 am to 2 am Dom: 8:30 am to 10 pm
Detalles de restaurante
Café Toscano

Barrio: Condesa, Hipódromo, Polanco, Roma Norte
Dirección: Temistocles 26
Telefono: +52 55 6732-5374
Tipo de restaurante: Cafetería, Restaurante casual
Cocina: Italiana
Tipo de servicio: Servicio a la mesa
Precio: -$$$-
Elementos del menú: Café, Ensaladas, Espreso, Hamburguesas, Panes y Pasteles, Pasta, Pizza, Postres, Sandwiches
Horario: Lun-Mie: 8 am to Midnight Jue-Sab: 8 am to 2 am Dom: 8:30 am to 10 pm
Resumen de crítica

Pleasant ambiance and a varied menu at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Emphasis is on Italian, including the Illy coffee.

Resumen de crítica

Pleasant ambiance and a varied menu at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Emphasis is on Italian, including the Illy coffee.

Crítica de restaurant para Café Toscano

Críticado por: Ollie O
Calificación: 4,5 estrellas
Fecha de crítica: 19/09/2016

There are several locations for Café Toscano throughout Mexico City. Two in Roma, one in Condesa, one in Hipodromo, one in Polanco, and one in San Angél. We spent a few minutes at the location in Polanco. It’s a big house modified to be a café. Lots of rooms and nooks and crannies designed to be intimate little sitting areas. And several small shaded outdoor terraces serving the same purpose. There are about 15 to 20 tables on the front sidewalk for use during pleasant weather.

Most the locations are of similar size and décor. Each emphasizes, as the name implies, Italian food and culture. The coffee is strictly Italian. Illy to be specific.

Beware. The menus differ significantly at each location.

At the Polanco restaurant they have the usual variety of baked goods, breads and desserts. But they also serve a variety of full breakfasts. They waiver from the Italian theme in this category. The breakfast menu is strictly Mexican, featuring the usual chilaquiles and molletas. But they also serve enchiladas and a full ranges of traditional Mexican egg dishes, including huevos rancheros, huevos mexicanos, and huevos ajogados. Wanting something a little more European? They have you covered with a full range of omelets.

Some of the other locations don’t have the Mexican classics but do serve the omeletes. Some locations only have sandwiches, paninis, soups and salads for lunch and dinner. Others like the Roma and San Angel restaurants have a traditional restaurant menu serving appetizers and entrees for dinner, all with an emphasis on Mediterranean cuisine.

Some locations even have live music and full cocktail bars in the evenings.

Consult the restaurant’s website for the menu at the location you’re considering visiting. But at all the locations you can expect to find a classy and tastefully decorated café with coffee and accompaniments.

Our rating is based on a visit to the Polanco location for coffee. A full review for lunch and dinner at Café Toscano is coming soon.

Service was a bit sketchy on our visit. Not bad. But not very attentive. We were having to gesture to get the waitress’ attention. We think there are superior local and Italian roasted blends utilizing Mexican coffee beans or a South American / Ethiopian blend that are superior to the typical cup of Illy you find at Café Toscano or elsewhere. Bottom line, I don’t like Illy coffee. But that’s as much a matter of personal preference than anything. It sure beats Maxwell House or whatever they put in the coffee pot at the local 7-11.

We also found that the prices for coffee were among the most expensive of all the cafés we have visited in Mexico City. Thus the value rating lowered Café Toscano’s overall score. But then again, even an expensive cup of coffee won’t likely break the bank. The ambiance and variety of food on the menu make Café Toscano unique in this category and worth a visit.

Guía de brewpubs

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Estreno - Guía de brewpubs


Estreno - Guía de brewpubs