
Tipo de restaurante: Pizzería, Restaurante casual . Cocina: Italiana . Precios: -$$$- . Calificación: 4,1 estrellas

  • Cancino

Calificación General

Detalles de Calificación


St Regis Mexico City

En una palabra

El servicio era bueno. Y los precios son un poco menos en Cancino que Café Toscano. Y, por supuesto, tienes que darle puntos adicionales por la plenitud de los bulldogs franceses en la audiencia.

Lee la crítica entera

Looking for a trendy place full of hipsters to do some people watching? Cancino, on the west side of Roma Norte, overlooking the Fuente de las Cibeles, might be the perfect spot. Cancino is a pizzeria occupying a small space with limited seating, but with lots of outdoor tables. That’s where most everybody wants to sit, so they can watch the guys in their skinny-jeans walking their French bulldogs on the sidewalk out in front of the restaurant.

On a weekend in the afternoon you might have a minor wait for a table. You can spend that time watching the passersby at the small bar, sipping on a Bellini. The wait for a table is usually not more than 10 minutes. I just elected to eat my lunch at the bar since I was solo that day.

I ordered the pepperoni pizza. As you can see, it was an ultra-simple rendition. It was okay. It had a nice crust. Better than most pizza in DF. But I was spoiled a bit from the slightly better pepperoni pizza I’d been served at Café Toscano a few days earlier.

We’ve included the picture so you can see for yourself that the Cancino rendition looks a little “ho-hum” compared the competitor’s version.

That said, the service was good. And the prices are slightly less at Cancino than Café Toscano. And of course, you have to give it extra points for the plentitude of French bulldogs in the audience.

Detalles de Calificación


Modelo Negra

Copa Airlines

Modelo Negra

Copa Airlines

St Regis Mexico City

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