Restaurants for Chilaquiles
in Mexico City
Chilaquiles is a dish utilizing fried corn tortilla chips (referred to in Mexico a totopos) similar in some respects to Tex-Mex nachos, the distinguishing feature being that the chips are often briefly simmered in either a green or red salsa in a sauté pan or cast-iron skillet. Bits of cheese, shredded chicken and thinly sliced red onions are added to the mix. And a fried egg often tops the plated concoction. It is the most popular breakfast dish in Mexico City, with various forms of egg dishes, including Huevos Rancheros following closely behind in popularity.
Rating: 3.8 starsPrice: ~$$~
Type: Casual Dining
Cuisine: Eclectic Gourmet
Review summary:
At Lur, the chefs at failed upscale restaurant Biko, have found their niche, where diners can enjoy gourmet cuisine in a casual and comfortable setting. Good se …