Restaurants serving Pizza in Lima

These are the best Restaurants serving Pizza in Lima in Buenos Aires

La Mar
Rating: 4.5 starsPrice: $$$
Type: Casual Dining
Cuisine: Seafood
Review summary:
La Mar is the undisputed cebichería champion of the world. Often copied, never topped, it’s the perfect spot for lunch and a pisco sour on a balmy afternoon in …

Rating: 4.0 starsPrice: $$$$
Type: Casual Dining
Cuisine: Eclectic Gourmet
Review summary:
Jeronimo is a popular gastropub with a that’s very unique and interesting, offering a variety of international street-foods and comfort-foods, all of which are …

Rating: 4.3 starsPrice: $$$$
Type: Steakhouse
Cuisine: Grilled Steaks
Review summary:
Carnal has the widest variety of aged steaks among steakhouses in Lima and it’s the only one that uses an infrared broiler that delivers that crisp caramelized …

Café de Lima
Rating: 4.3 starsPrice: $$$
Type: Cafe, Casual Dining
Cuisine: Coffee - Bread - Pastries
Review summary:
For a quick casual meal for breakfast or lunch, Café de Lima is one of the best options in the city.