The Burger Company

Restaurant Type: Casual Dining, Hamburger Restaurant . Cuisine: Burgers . Price: $$ . Rating: 4.1 stars
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In a Nutshell

The Burger Company is about as good as it gets for quick burger in Palermo Soho. Rapid counter-ordering and pick-up make it ideal for folks on the go.

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Is there room enough in Buenos Aires for another burger joint? Apparently so. Think fast food. Pour in an ounce of casual dining and class. Shake well. And what you do you get? The Burger Company.

If I were forced to describe the genre of this place I suppose I would put it in what is called fast-casual dining in the USA. It’s fancier than your typical Carl’s Jr or Burger King in the USA, and although it has a certain fast-food-chain feel to it, with illuminated menu boards and cashiers in caps taking orders and accepting payment in advance at a counter, the quality of the burgers and the décor is a little more like a casual-dining restaurant with table service. And the restaurant is much larger than the pint-sized fast-casual restaurants like Perez H, Mi Barrio Burgers, or 180 Burger Bar that are churning out high-quality burgers with elaborate ingredients in extremely small spaces with limited seating.

In all honesty, I wasn’t really expecting these burgers to be any better than the burgers they’re flipping over at Dean & Denny’s or the local fast-food chain, Mostaza. But I was pleasantly surprised. The beef patty had a slight caramelized crust yet was still moist and juicy inside. The bun was fresh and moist. The cheese on the burgers (other than the blue cheese burger) is supposed to be cheddar cheese but looked and melted like American processed-cheese that’s typically served on burgers in the USA. Whatever it was, it was good.

The Burger Company has a host of burgers with elaborate ingredients and big Dagwood-style burgers stacked high with multiple patties.

There’s a standard cheeseburger with a 125g beef patty (¼ lb), a slice of cheese, tomato slice and lettuce, a bacon cheeseburger, the Duchess (double meat, double bacon, double cheese), and the Bacon-Blue Burger with caramelized onions and blue cheese,

The décor is much nicer than your typical fast-food restaurant. It’s slightly less “fast-foodish” than Argentine fast-food chain Mostaza and a little more refined and stylish than nearby Dean & Denny’s. The burgers at The Burger Company are also slightly larger than those at Dean & Denny’s, albeit with a higher price tag. Just barely though.

A year ago, The Burger Company was the best place in Palermo Soho for a burger. But a lot has happened in the burger-world in Buenos Aires over the past year with the addition of several new restaurants serving up burgers, and a few existing restaurants, like Bull’s BBQ, that have added burgers to the menu. But, The Burger Company is still about as good as it gets for a quick burger. And with rapid counter-ordering and pick-up, it’s better suited for folks “on the go” than most other burger joints.

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Fernet Branca


Palacio Duhau - Park Hyatt - Buenos Aires


Ultimate Travel Guide for the Top European Cities


Copa Airlines to Latin America


Fernet Branca


Palacio Duhau - Park Hyatt - Buenos Aires


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