Copa Airlines

the art of plating

the mexico city gallery

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Before that first bite is even sitting on your fork, you've formed an opinion about how it's going taste based in part, on how appetizing it looks on the plate. Whether it's a sandwich wrapped in butcher paper and served in a basket, or a strategically placed portion of fish crowned with carefully placed morsels at the pass, the presentation of the dish can make or break the meal. Here are a few of the more interestingly plated items we've come across in our visit to an array of restaurant in Mexico City.

Copa Airlines

St Regis Mexico City

Palacio de Hierro - Electrodomésticos

The Restaurants of Colonia CondesaThe Best Wurst - Brats and Beer in Mexico CityOur favorite salads in Mexico CityThe Mexico City Seafood Gallery

Copa Airlines

St Regis Hotel - Mexico City

Sony Alpha 9 Camera

Modelo Negra

The Restaurants of Colonia CondesaThe Best Wurst - Brats and Beer in Mexico CityOur favorite salads in Mexico CityThe Mexico City Seafood Gallery

St Regis Hotel - Mexico City

Sony Alpha 9 Camera

Modelo Negra

The Restaurants of Colonia CondesaThe Best Wurst - Brats and Beer in Mexico CityOur favorite salads in Mexico CityThe Mexico City Seafood Gallery